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Modern Family(모던 패밀리)/Modern Family Season_01

Modern Family Season_01 12화

Modern Family Season 01 Episode 12 Not In My House

Modern Family S01E12 00

미드 모던 패밀리 시즌1 Script와 MP3 파일 활용하여 영어 회화 공부해봅시다.

[MP3 파일 : EPISODE 12]



Modern Family S01E12 01

Phil: Beautiful morning, isn't it? It's a shame you have to work, huh? Anyway, I would like a large sausage and pepperoni

* It's a shame : ~이 아쉽다, 안타깝다..

Haley: Hey, move.

Alex: It's my stuff! Okay?

Haley: Just keep your hands off my stuff!

Phil: Hey!

Alex: I didn't put my hands on your stuff!

Phil: Hey! Just a second, Derek. What is the problem?

Haley: Alex read my journal.

Alex: I did not! Why would I even want to read your stupid journal?

Haley: Because it contains the details of a life, And yo don't have one!

Alex: Ohh!

Phil: Alex, don't read Haley's journal.

Alex: Uhh!

Phil: Sorry. My daughters. You got kids? Oh. What grade are you in?

Claire: Phil!

Phil: Oh, that's my wife, Claire.

Modern Family S01E12 02

Claire: Luke was using my computer. For this.

Phil: I'm gonna have to, uh, call you back.

Claire: He told me he needed it to do homework, And then I find this... A-a picture of a topless woman, with the biggest boobs I have ever seen, Driving a tractor.

* topless : 상반신을 드러낸

* boobs : 여자의 가슴

Phil: Okay, um, uh, first of all, That's a combine, not a tractor.

Claire: Phil! Phil, it is smut, and our 10-year-old is looking at smut! It's disgusting!

* smut : 음란물

* It's disgusting : 역겨워

Phil: Completely unacceptable.


Modern Family S01E12 03

Phil: Here's the thing... that was my picture. Well, not really mine. There's this guy at work who sends out these links. Does... doesn't matter who. Gil Thorpe. He sent out another one of the same woman dressed as a battleship. You know, the... you get... yeah. And then one of the transformers. And then it... it... Anyway, I had every intention of telling Claire. I just wanted her to calm down first.

* calm down : 진정하다, 진정시키다.

* have an intention of ~ : ~할 의도이다.


Phil: Where are you going?

Claire: I'm going to pick up Luke from his sleepover. We need to talk to him about this now.

* sleepover : 밤샘 파티

Phil: Claire, this is a very delicate situation. If we don't handle it right, Luke might end up having an unhealthy attitude about sex. Or agribusiness. We'll talk about it when he gets home.

* delicate situation : 민감한 사항

Claire: Okay. Fine. But I am telling him that every time he looks at porn, God kills a puppy.

Phil: Maybe I should be the one to talk to him.


Modern Family S01E12 04

Gloria: I am a very lucky woman. I have a wonderful family, a beautiful home. There's nothing that I would change. I hate the dog butler. I keep forgetting it's there, And every time it happens, it scares me all over again. Sometimes, at night, I think it's the devil. El diablo.

* butler : 집사

* scare : 겁주다, 겁먹게 하다.

Jay: Barkley? He's hilarious. I was in Vegas last month, and I was winning... And I thought, I could do the usual... Be a chump, give the money back to the casino... Or I could do something smart and buy something for myself at the casino store. He's already a family favorite.

* hilarious : 아주 재미있는

* chump : 얼간이, 멍청이

Jay: Rub his chin a little under there. He likes that. There you go. Beautiful. There you go.

* rub : 문지르다, 비비다.

* chin : 턱 

Jay: He's a dog and a butler. I mean, who couldn't love him?

Gloria: Stupid dog.



Modern Family S01E12 05

Cameron: Okay, ready to go.

Mitchell: Oh, make sure you pee first.

Cameron: What am I, 7 years old?

Mitchell: No, you do not want to go during the show. The marionettes stop what they're doing, March to the edge of the stage, and point at you.

* marionette : 꼭두각시, 인형

Cameron: Okay, that sounds terrifying.

* terrify : 무섭게 하다

Mitchell: It's really funny.

Modern Family S01E12 06

Mitchell: Oh, one of my favorite childhood memories was attending the moscow marionette theater.

Cameron: I grew up one mile away from Missouri's largest water slide, and third-largest in the country.

Mitchell: Oh, really? Cam, you never mentioned that before.

Cameron: You feel...

Mitchell: Feel like a torpedo.

* Feel like a torpedo : 어뢰가 된 기분이야


Modern Family S01E12 07

Mitchell: Hey, Cam, does the gardener usually work on Saturdays?

Cameron: I don't know. He comes when we need him. He's like batman, but straight. Is he crying?

Mitchell: Oh, yeah. We should probably... Probably go out the back, huh?

Cameron: He's clearly in pain. How can you just turn your back on a friend like that?

Mitchell: A friend? Really? Yeah. W-what's his name?

Cameron: Cesar sal... Azar.

Mitchell: You made that up. You were gonna say "caesar salad."

* You made that up : 그건 네가 지어낸 거야.

Cameron: Was not.

Mitchell: Cam. Come on. Really? ugh. All right, don't worry, Lily. I'm sure we'll get to the show on time. I'm sure dad is just gonna go out and give an encouraging word to the gardener, Hopefully mention the snail problem, And then we are gonna be... No. No, no. Cam, no. Hello.

* snail : 달팽이

Cameron: I don't think he speaks English.

Mitchell: Okay, this might be a good time to mention to you that the marionettes are not kind to latecomers. They bend over and show their bloomers.

* bloomers : 속바지

Cameron: Okay, I speak a little Spanish. ¿señor, te gustaría hacer el agua y tenemos nuestra cama?

Cesar: Gracias.

* Gracias : (스페인어) 감사합니다.

Mitchell: What was that?

Cameron: I just asked him if he wanted to have a glass of water and sit down for a minute, Like any kind person would.


Modern Family S01E12 08

Claire: Okay, I checked the rest of the computers in the house. I didn't find any more porn.

Phil: That was hardly porn. It was a topless woman on a tractor. You know what they call that in Europe? A cereal commercial.

Claire: I should go talk to him.

Phil: Honey, honey, honey, I got this! I got this! No, no, no, no, no. I-I got this. I got this. I was his age once. Breasts are like these scary, mystical things that he's drawn to, like Frodo to Mordor.

* mystical : 신령스러운, 신비주의의

* drawn to : ~에 끌리는

Claire: Okay, I'm definitely going to talk to him.

Phil: No, no, no, no! Boys don't want their moms talking to them about sex any more than girls want their dads talking to them about periods, bras, and girdles and all that stuff.

Claire: You do know that women stopped wearing girdles like 30 years ago, right?

Phil: Honey, I know. I know. That... that is... that is exactly the kind of sexual revolution. That our son is going through right now, So... Just... let's just... just trust it. Fix that step. Just know I will handle this, okay?


Modern Family S01E12 09

Gloria: Del Diablo!

Jay: Hey, Gloria, do you have any idea why Barkley was in the guest room?

* do you have any idea ~ : 짐작 가는 게 있어?

Gloria: I was just doing a little redecorating. Sometimes it's good to move things around just to see how they look.

Jay: Yeah, but the guest room... that's crazy. He's not a guest. He works for us. Hey, give me a hand here, will you? I think his jacket shifted while I was moving him. We can't have you untucked, our little butler. That doesn't make any sense, does it, boy?

* redecorate : 실내 장식을 새로 하다.

* give me a hand : 도와줘.

* That doesn't make sense : 그건 말도 안 돼.

Gloria: ay!

Jay: "ay"? What was that? Is he all right?

Gloria: Ay, no. My bracelet got caught a little bit here.

* bracelet : 팔찌

Jay: Well, don't panic.

* don't panic : 당황하지 마

Gloria: I'm not panicking.

Jay: All right, try to relax. We can fix him. Let me take a better look. Come here, boy.

* Let me take a better look : 내가 한 번 잘 볼게


Phil: Luke?

Luke: Hey, dad. Hey, buddy.

Phil: Um... Look, You and I need to have a little talk.

Luke: About what?

Modern Family S01E12 10

Phil: Well, it's about computer stuff. Um... How do you make sure you've deleted something after you read it?


Gloria: Sorry, Jay. It was an accident.

Modern Family S01E12 11

Jay: You know, I'm beginning to think you don't like Barkley that much. I mean, first you hide him in the guest room, And now this.

Gloria: It's ridiculous! I didn't mean to hurt it!

* It's ridiculous : 말도 안 돼, 어이가 없어.

Jay: First of all, let's cut the "its." He is a he. And you can pretend to be innocent all you want, but action speaks louder than words.

* pretend to ~ : ~인 체하다.

* action speaks louder than words. : 말보다 행동이 중요해.

Gloria: Yeah. They can be very revealing.

Jay: What are you trying to say?

Gloria: Nothing, but you have to admit that the dog butler is a little ridiculous.

* admit : 인정하다.

Modern Family S01E12 12

Jay: You know what else I think is ridiculous? That mountain of pillows you have on our bed. I feel like I'm working on a loading dock just trying to get under the covers.

* loading dock : 하역장

Gloria: They're pretty.

Jay: They're a damn nuisance.

* They're a damn nuisance : 정말 성가셔

Gloria: Okay, forgive me for trying to make our home beautiful.

Jay: Well, you know, if I can put up with those, you can put up with a piece of art.

* put up with : 참다, 견디다.

Gloria: This is not art. It's an unholy mix between man and beast. But fine. If you love it so much, put it wherever you want.

* unholy : 성스럽지 못한, 불경스러운

Jay: Thank you. Where you going, to get some more pillows?

Gloria: No, don't worry. It'll be a long time before I bother you again with my pillows.


Modern Family S01E12 13

Alex: Why is dad in Luke's room with the door closed?

Claire: They are having a little talk.

Alex: Is Luke being punished?

Claire: Is that your favorite thing, When your brother or sister gets into trouble?

Alex: My favorite is when they're both in trouble. So, what'd he do? Did he cheat on a test? He's a cheater.

Claire: He did not cheat on a test.

Alex: Did he lie?

Claire: Alex.

Alex: He lies all the time.

Claire: Alex.

Alex: Sorry. I'm... I'm just worried about Luke. A lot of parents are hitting again.

Claire: I appreciate your concern, But your father has it under control.


Modern Family S01E12 14

Phil: 24. 25. Flincher! Free slap. Bring it up.

* flinch : 움찔하다. 

Luke: Ow!

Phil: 29.

Luke: Can be on the bottom now?

Phil: Yeah.


Claire: Mm. How'd it go?

Phil: Well, he was really embarrassed, but everything's... everything's fine now.

Modern Family S01E12 15

Claire: What'd you say?

Phil: Well, you know, I kind of promised him We'd keep everything between us. Mm-hmm. Matter of fact, He'd be mortified if you brought it up with him... Ever.

Claire: Oh, god. Really?

Phil: Yeah.

Claire: That actually makes me feel kind of bad.

Phil: Well... You're probably just feeling a little tense from all this. I know I am. You know what might help the situation?

Claire: Really? Right now?

Phil: I meant going out for a few pizzas. Where's your mind? I guess I live in a house full of sex maniacs.

* Where's your mind? : 무슨 생각을 하는 거야?


Modern Family S01E12 16

Cameron: Amigo? We can't help you if you won't come out.

Cesar: Gracias por invitarme a su casa. Me averguenzo de mis lágrimas.

Mitchell: What'd he say?

Cameron: Something... House... Something.

Mitchell: Oh, come on! The show starts in a half-hour, and we still have to pick up Manny. Can... can we just... Come on, Move this thing along.

Cameron: Okay, this man is in crisis. He could have a family health issue or a personal-health issue or a financial matter.

Mitchell: Okay, wait, stop. You're getting all this from "something house something"? Let's just call Gloria and have her deal with it, okay?

Cameron: "it" is a human being, Mitchell!

Mitchell: Named caesar salad.

Cameron: Okay, what's going on with you?

* what's going on with you? : 도대체 왜 그러는 거 야?

Mitchell: Cam, you... mnh! You always do this! It's like you're incapable of hearing anyone's sad story Without making it your job to fix it, And then my needs... my needs come second.

Cameron: Your needs right now are a puppet show. This man could have lost his brother in a cable-car accident!

* puppet show : 인형극

Mitchell: You understood "casa."

Cameron: Okay, fine. If it'll prove to you that I'm not the obsessive help-aholic that you make me out to be, Let's go to the puppet show.

* obsessive : 강박적인, 사로잡혀 있는

* help-aholic : 도움 중독자

Mitchell: Cam...

Cameron: Let's go.

Woman: Ay, ¿dónde está mi novio? Su camión está aparcado fuera.

Cameron: I think this has something to do with the gardener.

Mitchell: You think?

Cameron: Um, just down the hall to the right.

Woman: Ay, gracias, gracias. Perdón.

Mitchell: In there. Okay.

Cameron: Okay. Let's go.

Mitchell: Oh, no, please... I know it's killing you not to get back there in the middle of that.

Cameron: Oh, no, no, no, no. We are going. These folks can find their own way out. And now you'll know that I'm not a manic mother Teresa out there collecting lost souls.

* folk : 사람들

* manic : 미친듯한

Mitchell: Oh, come on!


Modern Family S01E12 17

Mitchell: Dad, is Manny ready?

Jay: Didn't you get the message? He's not going.

Mitchell: What?

Jay: Oh, some mandatory cleanup at school.

Mitchell: What's the real reason?

Jay: It's a puppet show, Mitch.

Mitchell: Perfect. All right, it's just you and me, then, Lily.

Jay: How's the little fortune cookie?

Mitchell: Oh, she's... she's good. She's good.

Jay: Where's Cam?

Mitchell: We got into a fight. Because of him, I have a house full of latinos.

* get into a fight : 싸우다, 다투다.

Jay: Welcome to my world. So, trouble in gay paradise, huh?

Mitchell: Well, he just can't say no to anybody who needs help, And why do you have to always add the word "gay" where it doesn't belong?

Jay: Hey, hey... you're not mad at me. You're mad at the old balls and chain.

* ball and chain : 사슬에 쇠뭉치가 달린 족쇄, 속박, 구속, 아내

Mitchell: Okay, dad, good talk. See you later.

Jay: Oh, come on. I didn't mean it. Hey, I didn't mean it. I'm a little cranky. I got into it with Gloria a little bit.

* I'm a little cranky : 내가 조금 짜증 나 있어.

Mitchell: Oh, no. What happened?

Jay: Ah, she hates Barkley. It's the same stuff I went over with your mom all the time... Get rid of the boat, Get rid of the motorcycle. You know, I liked those things.

Mitchell: Why do you have to get rid of it, then?

Jay: You know, actually, I don't. Anyway, I'm gluing his hand on over here. His hand came off.

* glue : (접착제로) 붙이다.

* come off : 때어지다, 없어지다.

Mitchell: Rough day, dad. Your hot, young wife doesn't like your doll.

* rough day : 피곤한 하루네요.

Jay: yeah. Unlike your big problem... "my boyfriend's too nice to people."

Mitchell: No, see... mm. That's not all it is. He... he helps animals. He's always volunteering for things. T-trust me, it - it - it's worse than it sounds.

* That's not all it is : 그게 다가 아니야.

Jay: Who are we kidding? We both got it pretty good. Hell, I'm probably fighting with your mom more than I'm fighting with Gloria on this thing.

Mitchell: A bird fell out of a tree, and he fed it with an eyedropper.

* eyedropper : 점안기

Jay: Just drop it, kid. We're both with people different from us, And that's gonna create stuff, but you want different. Your mom and I were perfect on paper, And you know how that ended. What I got now is a lot better. Sure, people look at us sometimes, And sometimes even I can't believe we're together. But we're happy. At the end of the day, there's no one I'd rather come home to.

* at the end of the day : 결국, 결론적으로.

* come home to : 가슴에 뼈저리게 와닿다.

Mitchell: You mean Gloria?

Jay: Who else?

Mitchell: No one. I'll see you later.

Jay: See you, kid.


Modern Family S01E12 18

Alex: Did you draw on my poster?

Haley: Yeah, I did. Maybe you'll think about that the next time you read my journal.

Alex: I didn't read your stupid journal, and I waited in line to get this signed, Haley.

Haley: Oh, don't be such a baby. It's just some dude with weird hair.

* dude : 놈, 녀석

Alex: That's Maya Angelou, you idiot.

Haley: Ohh, sorry I don't follow the WNBA.

Alex: You know what? This is the worst thing you've ever done, and I'll never forgive you!

Haley: You started it!

Alex: What are you looking at?

Luke: Well, I just heard...


Modern Family S01E12 19

Luke: I was the one who read Haley's diary. I was playing on her computer, and it just opened. Okay, I opened it. But I didn't mean for anyone to fight.


Cameron: Oh. Home already. Mitchell, hi! Hi!

Mitchell: Hi, Cam. Hi.

Cameron: Did you forget the tickets?

Modern Family S01E12 20

Mitchell: No. You know, I was never gonna enjoy the show without you, so...

Cameron: Oh, but you were so excited to take Lily to see the Russian marionettes.

Mitchell: She's probably a little young anyways. We can just prop her in front of the dryer for a half-hour. Listen, Cam, I-I love that you try and help the world. And I-I'm very lucky to have you in my life.

* prop : 받치다.

Cameron: Oh, Mitchell.

Mitchell: How'd everything work out with the gardener?

* work out : 잘 풀리다.

Cameron: Uh, great. Great. Turned out it was his wedding day, And he was just a little nervous. But you know what? There's no need to apologize to me.

Mitchell: No, I need to. I've been very selfish.

Cameron: No, no. Sometimes I take things too far.

Mitchell: Okay, well, if that ever happens, I will let you know.

Cameron: Okay.

Mitchell: Is there a reason I can't go inside?

Cameron: No. No, no. No.

Priest: Y ahora te pronuncio hombre y esposa. La puedes besar.


Luke: Mom, can I talk to you?

Claire: Sure, honey. What's going on?

* What's going on? : 무슨 일 있어?

Luke: I feel bad about something I did.

Claire: Oh, sweetie. Is this about the computer?

Luke: Yeah.

Claire: Something you shouldn't have been looking at?

Luke: Yeah. It was just so freaky. I couldn't stop looking.

* freaky : 기이한

Modern Family S01E12 21

Claire: I know, sweet pea, But the important thing is you did stop looking.

Luke: Yeah. After about an hour.

Claire: Okay. Well, it's perfectly normal to be curious about these things.

* it's perfectly normal : 지극히 정상이야.

Luke: Some parts were funny.

Claire: Mm-hmm.

Luke: And some parts just seemed crazy.

Claire: Well, I hope you realize that some of those parts weren't real.

Luke: Obviously. But they can be totally real, right?

Claire: Hmm.

Luke: Like Anne Frank's?

Claire: What?

Luke: All I know is, it really made me wonder about Haley.

Claire: That's disturbing, sweetie. Why Haley?

* disturbing : 충격적인

Luke: It was her journal.

Haley: You read my journal? You little creep!

* You little creep : 너는 정말 소름 끼치게 싫은 애야.

Luke: I'm sorry! I couldn't help it!

Claire: Wait, Haley's journal, too? Luke, you are now banned from the computer.

* ban : 금지하다

Luke: What?

Alex: What happened? Who's in trouble?

Haley: Luke read my journal!

Alex: I told you it wasn't me!

Haley: I'm gonna kill you!

Claire: Haley, calm down.

Haley: What, you're not even gonna yell at him? That was private!

* yell : 소리치다, 외치다

Claire: Oh, please. The most shocking thing in there was your spelling.

Haley: You read it, too?

Alex: Am I the only one who hasn't read it?

Claire: I was looking through the computers in the house for pornography.

Haley: Sick.

Claire: Not for me. I wanted to see what you guys are looking at.

Haley: So you're violating our privacy.

* violate : 위반하다. 침해하다.

Claire: When I find out that my children are looking at a naked picture online, They don't have any privacy.

Alex: Who was looking at naked pictures?

Claire: That doesn't matter.

Haley: I wasn't.

Luke: It wasn't me! That's gross! I'm 10!

* That's gross : 징그러워, 역겨워

Claire: Wait a minute.

Luke: What's wrong with you people?

Claire: If it wasn't you, who was it?

Phil: Mangia!

* Mangia : (이탈리아어) 먹다.


Cameron: Rosa, thank you for coming.

Rosa: Gracias.

Modern Family S01E12 22

Cameron: Carlos, let me know how it works out with that dentist. Victor, you owe me a dance.

Cameron: Yes, I'm a caring person, and without Mitchell, I would just keep giving and giving and giving. I'm like a big, runaway charity truck and Mitchell is my off-ramp full of safety gravel. He knows how to say no. He always can put himself first. He certainly can turn his back on someone's suffering.

* I'm a caring person : 난 배려심이 많은 사람이야.

* runaway charity truck : 제어가 안 되는 큰 트럭

* off-ramp : (고속도로) 출구

* gravel : 자갈

Mitchell: Um... No, really, keep going.

Cameron: He...

Mitchell: Don't keep going!

* Don't keep going : 그만해


Cameron: Gracias. Goodbye. That was nice.

Mitchell: Oh, god! Dad.

Jay: Looks like I missed the party, huh?

Mitchell: What I... what is that doing here?

Modern Family S01E12 23

Jay: He is a gift for you and Cam.

Cameron: Thank you.

Jay: He lost his monocle on the drive. His head was out the window.

* monocle  : 한쪽 눈에만 대고 보는, 렌즈가 하나뿐인 안경

Cameron: Well, they love that.

Jay: I'll just put him here for now.

Mitchell: I don't want that.

Cameron: I think he's cute. Let's give him a chance.

Gloria: I came as soon as I heard your message. Did you say that somebody was getting married?

Modern Family S01E12 24

Jay: Gloria, there you are! I've got good news! What's the matter?


Modern Family S01E12 25

Phil: Honey? Hey. I'm really sorry. That picture was just something that someone sent me. Doesn't matter who. Gil Thorpe. Anyway... I don't do that stuff. You're all the porn I need.

* I don't do that stuff. : 난 그런 거 안 해.

Claire: That's... Honey, it's fine. It's fine.

Phil: Aah!

Claire: Now it's fine.


Modern Family S01E12 26

Claire: I couldn't care less about the picture. I was just upset when I thought it was Luke.

* I couldn't care less : 난 전혀 신경 안 써.

Claire: Haley, honey, I really wish you would give me a hand with all this laundry. Never, ever...

Claire: Haley's off in her own world. Alex has never really been a kid. But Luke is my baby. Is it really too much to ask that he stay a sweet, innocent kid... Forever?


Modern Family S01E12 27

Phil: Hey, buddy. Um... Here, sorry. We'll... we'll dribble later. Um... I just, uh, I just want to say I'm sorry. I never meant to blame you for that whole picture thing. Your mom sort of thought it was yours, And I-I should have stopped it, but I didn't.

* sort of : 어느 정도, 뭐랄까

Luke: So what was the picture of?

Phil: Well, it was a woman on a tractor, And she had her shirt off.

Luke: Was it hot?

Phil: Okay, we're being honest here. Um... This particular woman... Well, my tastes do run to the curvy, and the cowboy hat did not hurt one bit. Couple that with the cut-off jeans... And you were asking about the weather, weren't you?

Luke: Yeah.

Phil: Well, this is good. This is good. You're gonna be going through some changes soon, And I think now you can feel safe talking to me about whatever.


Modern Family S01E12 28

Butler: Sadly, I've been summarily dismissed from the employ of masters Cameron and Mitchell... The former being an utter delight, and the latter being a humorless snoot.

* an utter delight : 완전한 기쁨

* a humorless snoot : 재미없는 오만한 사람

Mitchell: Just... come on, get him in the car. The thrift shop's closing.

* thrift shop : 중고 할인 가게

Cmaeron: What is this exciting thrift shop you speak of? Many of my relatives were taken out of their homes to be released into the green pastures in their maturity!

* pastures : 초원, 목초지

* maturity : 성숙함, 만기

Mitchell: Did you just say "maturity"?

Cameron: Unhand me, you brute! I regret nothing! I'll pay you. I'm a comfortable man. I've been stealing from your father for days. Oh, is there any better feeling in the world than having your ears flap in the wind?

* Unhand me : 손 치워

* brute : 짐승, 야수

* flap : 펄럭거림, 덮개

Modern Family S01E12 29

Mitchell: You know what? Get out.

Cameron: You mean it? Sweet freedom No. No, not you, Barkley. Cameron. Out.

Cameron: Oh.